Monday, 2 May 2011


Political thuggery creates and fosters the climate of fear, violence, disorder and conflicts. Its contribution to peace is disorder, disharmony and everything in the neighbourhood of violence.
Political thugs commit themselves to maim and kill their perceived enemies in their inglorious campaign to build terror and horror. They glory in burning public and private properties. They turn elections into chaos when they intimidate voters, steal and cart away ballot boxes. They turn polling booths into theatres of war. There is no end to the massive disruptions they can launch in any society. There is no end to the businesses of conflicts they can unleash.
For the society where political thuggery thrives, woes are lively accompaniments; woes are regular occurrences especially during election time. Any person is a potential target; any place is a potential takeover target for the thugs. They threaten social life with a tragic mix of vices. They ruin and reduce to rubbles the sense of calm, harmony and peace in every community.
Political thuggery appears to have become a profession in Nigeria as many political thugs have no other jobs than to continuously cling to thuggery. They are fluent in the language and art of thuggery. Some of them have been in the business of thuggery all their lives that they have gained considerable working knowledge of thuggery.
Since they have no other jobs to return to especially when political campaigns and other political activities are at their lowest, they lie low until another round of political activities begins.
Political thuggery has become a regular face or feature in Nigerian politics. It is becoming more sophisticated with all its elements of banditry, robbery, violence, intimidation, assassination and climate of uncertainty and fear. As a performance backed and denominated by violence, political thugs increasingly brandish all sorts of sophisticated weapons and dangerous schemes to keep their energetic profession alive and kicking.
Nigerian society is no way near the end of political thuggery, because many factors direct and elevate the ugly practice in the political evolution of the country, especially in competitive elective offices. Nigeria’s vast natural resources have huge opportunities for the creation of jobs, but the strength of these opportunities are diminished and eroded by the strong and stubborn surge of mismanagement, somersaulting policies, massive corruption and the waste of abundant resources. Instead of directing the large portion of the resources to job creation to escape the quagmires of unemployment and its destructive and deadly consequences, many Nigerians erect the pillar of corruption against sustainable growth and rapid development.
Political thuggery should not be allowed to blossom into a high profile profession.


August 31, 2010.
By Rev. Fr. Kenneth Evurulobi
I recall with nostalgia the event
of my visit to you on the 2nd of
February, 2010 in solidarity to
your presidential ambition that
has been divinely confirmed and
approved. It is true I met your
absence but my message was
properly delivered to you
through your aides. I am
surprised that I have not gotten
a feedback from you since then.
Nevertheless, the contending
issues of our national life which I
raised during that visit still
persist and are taking the center
stage, not only in the political
field, but virtually in every
sphere of our national life.
Among them is the issue of
Constitutional Review which has
ushered in some interesting
changes into the Electoral Act in
the Constitution of our dear
country Nigeria.
With particular reference to the
newly amended Electoral Act
and in the spirit of the full
support which Our Lady, the
Blessed Virgin Mary has
expressed for your Presidential
ambition, and acting on aegis of
divine revelation, I admonish
you again to return to ANPP if
you are to make the required
impact in the forthcoming
Elections. An impact in this
regard cannot be anything short
of Total Victory.
I once again reiterate it here as I
have done in the many articles I
have published in different
journals, including the Internet
that at the core of PDP is a
branch of the World Union
wearing the face of Ogboni
Fraternity. One condition for
confirmed and effective
membership of PDP is first of all,
a membership of, at least, one
secret cult – students’ cults,
traditional cults, religious cults,
etc. To make this possible and
practical, heads of these various
cults were originally and
automatically awarded
memberships of the Ogboni
Fraternity in 1999 in anticipation
of the political party that will
take over power in 1999 so as to
steal the party from its original
founders and own it entirely.
These people were immediately
promoted to the rank of Princes,
Princesses, Kings, Queens, etc.
Obviously, PDP fell prey to this
satanic plot. And against Ogboni
Fraternity, there can be no
opposition, or so they presume..
From 1999 onwards, the heads
of the different cults who had by
then been awarded membership
of Ogboni Fraternity were now
saddled with the responsibility
to deliver their respective cults,
villages, shrines, local
communities, towns, unions,
churches, mosques,
organizations, etc, under the
Satanic government of Ogboni
Fraternity. All that was required
was that a duplicate copy of the
Register of these organizations,
groups, villages, etc, be
submitted to the Regional Head
of the Ogboni Fraternity who
now, employing some occult
rites and rituals specially
designed by Ogboni Fraternity in
strict adherence with the
provisions of the Satanic Code to
tally with the rites and rituals
obtainable in the particular
powerful regional group in
question (e.g. Okija Shrine,
Catholic Diocese Of Aba) and in
collaboration with miscreants
who had been used to infiltrate
and destabilize the authentic
government of that particular
group, cult, companies,
organization, church, mosque,
union, etc, begins an initiation of
all whose names are contained
in the respective registers. Here,
the names contained in the
registers are treated to powerful
satanic rites and rituals. The
registered members of the body
in question are invoked in an
occult mirror, arrested, and
imprisoned. Depending on the
level of opposition they can
muster some are murdered and
a mock funeral celebrated
spiritually on their behalf. Some
communities, churches,
mosques, banks, organizations,
families, corporations, etc are
set ablaze mystically using their
registers and photographs as a
point of contact. In this way, the
Ogboni Fraternity got itself
personified in almost every
organization, village, churches,
etc and became a very
influential factor in the decision
making body as well as the
executor of such decisions. But
responsibility is thrown back to
the person/persons in charge.
Most often than not, the
decisions and executions are
consciously designed to
contradict and obliterate the
values and ideals which a
particular body stands for,
propagates and seeks to
inculcate into the larger society.
Propaganda and bribery are
employed to push it through.
The Ogboni Fraternity is in turn
affiliated to the World Union, or
in the ordinary local Christian
language, the 666, i.e., the Anti-
Christ. The World Union is
highest degree of Freemason,
whose identity and activities are
jealously guarded and subtly
hidden as it were from all others
members especially those from
the 32nd degree down. It is an
irrevocable commitment to
Lucifer. It is basically for this
reason that some highly
classified files/ registers
purportedly belonging to Okija
Shrine, like the ODESSA FILE, can
never be found. And the
authentic priests of the Okija
Shrine may not, sincerely
speaking, be aware of the
existence of such registers as
they were smuggled into the
shrine through the
instrumentality of criminals who
were used to infiltrate the
shrine. Or, even if found, can
only be a highly vandalized and
doctored report. Nothing else.
Yet, the deed was accomplished,
legally and validly, in the name
of the Shrine. The ODESSA File in
its original status, far beyond the
names of top criminal
collaborators of the German
Reich as led by Hitler, contains a
comprehensive list of all the
members of the World Union.
The last registration into the
World Union was on the 6th of
June, 1906 going by the
evidence in the Satanic code.
Age is not a barrier to 666
memberships. The number of
membership does not exceed
six hundred and sixty six. No
other admission is made except
on the occasion of the death of a
member. Each member of the
World Union, however, reserves
the privileged to choose his
“ other-selves” from those of the
34th Degree Masons. The most
visible aspirant to the
Presidency in Nigeria come 2011
is a member of the 666. His
other selves include: Kalu,
Chimaraoke, Kingibe, Tony,
Adedibu (Daniel is penciled as a
replacement), Eunice, Ibori, The
Aspirant himself (a kind of dual
personality characteristic of a
chameleon) and Tinubu. The
other-selves are only obliged to
know their Master and not every
member of the World Union, but
every member of the World
Union has an exhaustive list of
all the members of the World
Union and all their other-selves.
Go to anywhere you wish, these
people are one and the same
despite what the public is made
to believe.
Everywhere in the world, the
other -selves of all the 666
members as well as their areas
of economic, political, religious
and traditional activities are
clearly delineated and marked
“X”, which is, accepted,
approved and secure. The
benefits and the liabilities are
then worked out under the S-
Code. The other-selves of a
particular member of the 666 or
the other-selves of the different
666s of a particular country
constitute that country ’s own
Union, far above and supreme to
all other secret cults operative in
that country, yet the existence of
the country ’s own union is
hidden from every member of
all these other cults. The
reputation and interests of
members in the other degrees
are, as recognition of their
loyalty and commitment,
expressly and mystically worked
out and affirmed using the
initials of their names as these
correspond to the vocabularies
of the S-Code. A member who is
a Chairman, Director, Secretary,
etc, of a notable organization, or
even a bishop/ pastor of a
church or an Imam, may decide
to seek help or favour from the
fraternity. The implications as
well as the commitments are
worked out periodically for the
person, and this always includes
periodic human ritual sacrifices
depending on the weight of
favour rendered. Once a
member of the World, the
person becomes an incarnate of
Lucifer by going through the last
rites of initiation as prescribed
and spelt out in the original of
the book ”Morals and Dogma of
the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rites of Freemasonry”.
Most of what many think is the
original of this book is nowhere
close to the original. The other-
selves are respectively
conducted through rituals in
accordance with the laid down
rites in the Morals and Dogma,
and consequently assume the
nature of a Beast. These Beasts
feed on human blood. The
various clashes, including
religious, tribal, political clashes/
wars trace their remote causes
to this source.
Thus any person vying for any
post whatsoever be it elective
post, ecclesiastical post,
managerial post or seeking
promotions, etc,( let ’s presume
the PDP Agenda which was
started in 1999 sells through)
must be seen to be loyal to
Ogboni Fraternity or must be
made to seek its approval. Any
person who demonstrates
unwillingness in this regard has
already started to fail. If the
person or organization is very
influential and holds the
resources, members of the
Ogboni Cults, even his own
brothers, friends, sisters,
associates, pastors, etc, are used
to mount a destructive crusade
against the person as mandated
by the Ogboni Fraternity,
anyway, sometimes against
their wish. The content of the
mandate is always clearly spelt
out, and could be modified or
altered according to the factors
at work for or against the
Fraternity and the strength of
those factors. Consequently,
there is a formidable gang-up
against an ordinary Nigerian
citizen, even if the person is
aware of this or not. The fact
that such a person is a human
being prone to mistakes has
added an incapacitating clause
to the person ’s immunity.
To have allowed PDP to insert
“ Indirect Voting” as a process
through which the party’s
candidate is to emerge for the
2011 Elections is to have helped
PDP confirm and install before
hand as well as seal finally the
new list containing the name of
the President, Vice President,
Ministers, Governors, Senators,
Federal and State Houses of
Assembly, Ambassadors,
Executive Directors of Banks,
Chairmen of Boards, Bishops,
General Overseers (my heart
bleeds for W. F. Kumuyi – a man
after God’s Heart), Village Heads,
L. G. A. Chairmen, Counselors,
Presidents of Trade/ Market
Unions, etc. To avert this
disaster, Nigerians must resist
the present composition of the
INEC Board, and insist on the
reversal of the just ratified
Electoral Act as well as ask
government to forgo the
January Election time table and
return to the original April Date.
The #88b paid to INEC is not
meant to pick the bills for the
forthcoming election only. It is
more importantly an aid to PDP’s
electoral budget for the
acquisition of weapons in
preparation for the forthcoming
election, (or selection?)
especially against the military
force of the Niger Delta. In this
way, President Goodluck
Jonathan has been made to,
unconsciously but innocently,
donate the weapons of warfare
against himself, his ambition
and his own people as well as
against many innocent and
sincere Nigerians aspiring to one
position or the other.
Prior to 1970, I cannot
authoritatively lay claim to any
statement of fact about
Satanism as it affected
Freemason. Consequently here, I
resist the temptation to do this.
But the instruction of Giusseppe
Mazzini (1805 1872), as
informed by his membership of
the 33rd Degree of the
Freemasonry and his position as
the leader of the Italian
revolution as well as his deep
involvement in a powerful
satanic cult known as the
Illuminati, to Albert Pike in a
letter dated January 22,1870
would surely remove the veil
and pretense from the face of
every Masonic member today,
and thus compel them to admit
either the presence of a
chronically damaging ignorance
about their imposing and tested
convictions , or an inexcusable
culpability in terrorism and
global insecurity as well as
other criminal actions
committed against God and
humanity. In the Morals and
Dogma of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry, Albert Pike had
written thus:
Masonry….conceals its secrets
from all except the Adepts and
Sages, or the Elect, and uses
false explanations and
misinterpretations of its
symbols to mislead those who
deserve only to be misled; to
conceal the Truth, which it calls
Light , from them, and to draw
them away from it. Truth is not
for those who are unworthy or
unable to receive it, or would
pervert it … The Blue Degrees
are but the outer court or
portico of the Temple. Parts of
the symbols are displayed there
to the Initiate, but he is
intentionally misled by false
interpretations. It is not
intended that he shall
understand them; but it is
intended that he shall imagine
he understands them. Their true
explication is reserved for the
Adepts, the Princes of Masonry.
The whole body of the Royal
and Sacerdotal Art was hidden
so carefully, centuries since, in
the High Degrees, as that it is
even yet impossible to solve
many of the enigmas which
they contain. It is well enough
for the mass of those called
masons, to maintain that all is
contained in the Blue Degrees;
and whoso attempts to
undeceive them will labor in
vain, and without any true
reward violate his obligations
as an Adept. Masonry is the
veritable Sphinx, buried to the
head in the sands heaped round
it by the ages … The true name
of Satan, the Kabalists say, is
that of YAHWEH reversed; for
Satan is not a black god but the
negation of God. The Devil is the
[personification of Atheism or
Idolatry. The first three degrees
of Masonry are referred to as
Symbolic Masonry. Degrees four
through 32 are part of what is
referred to as Philosophical
Masonry. The Degrees that
follow, from the 34th and up
are referred to as the Esoteric
Degrees ”.
And in their search for a
respectable forum in which to
hide their clandestine activities,
Giusseppe had instructed thus:
We must allow all the
federations to continue just as
they are, with their systems,
their central authorities and
their diverse modes of
correspondence between high
grades of the same rite,
organized as they are at the
present, but we must create a
super rite, which will remain
unknown, to which we will call
those Masons of high degree
whom we shall select. With
regard to our brothers in
Masonry, these men must be
pledges to the strictest secrecy.
Through this supreme rite, we
will govern all Freemasonry
which will become the one
international center, the more
powerful because its direction
will be unknown
That Albert Pike was a
confirmed Satanic apologist
who was widely reputed to
have the ability to hold
discussions with Lucifer, and
that he single handedly
developed exhaustive Satanic
Rites and Rituals for the
worship of Lucifer in his book
“ Morals and Dogma of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry ” and that
this book became the Sacred
Scripture of Freemasonry,
inexorably goes to uncover the
hypocrisy, deception, terrorism,
corruption, immorality,
fatalism, impotency and
criminality which all Masons
both low and high degree
members have brought to the
center stage of local, national
and international affairs
whether these be political,
social, economic, religious,
science, technology , etc. The
discovery of the Satanic Code
( S-Code) as operative and
effective instrument in the
hands of professional Satanists
(or the World Union or the 666
members), coupled with the
fact that the members of the
World Union is the highest but
secret degree of Freemason, and
again, that the S-Code has
remained one of the most
fiercely guarded secrets of the
centuries go to confirm the fact
the pressing issues and re-
occurring questions as
contained in the 3rd Message of
Find enclosed a copy of the Press
Release which was done at the
end of that my historic visit in
February, 2010.
United the Struggle for freedom,
and while anxiously expecting
the news of your return to the
party where you have been
providentially made to belong, I
Yours Sincerely,
Rev. Fr. Kenneth Evurulobi. C.

Sunday, 1 May 2011


AREWA YOUTH ENLIGHTENMENT & EMPOWERMENT MOVEMENT: WHAT IS DRUG ABUSE(SUBSTANCE ABUSE): "Substance abuse , also known as drug abuse , refers to a maladaptive pattern of use of a substance that is not considered dependent. The ter..."


Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, refers to a maladaptive pattern of use of a substance that is not considered dependent. The term "drug abuse" does not exclude dependency, but is otherwise used in a similar manner in nonmedical contexts. The terms have a huge range of definitions related to taking a psychoactive drug or performance enhancing drug for a non-therapeutic or non-medical effect. All of these definitions imply a negative judgment of the drug use in question (compare with the term responsible drug use for alternative views). Some of the drugs most often associated with this term include alcohol, amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines (particularly temazepam, nimetazepam, and flunitrazepam), cocaine, methaqualone, and opioids. Use of these drugs may lead to criminal penalty in addition to possible physical, social, and psychological harm, both strongly depending on local jurisdiction.[2] Other definitions of drug abuse fall into four main categories: public health definitions, mass communication and vernacular usage, medical definitions, and political and criminal justice definitions.

Public health definitions 

Public health practitioners have attempted to look at drug abuse from a broader perspective than the individual, emphasizing the role of society, culture and availability. Rather than accepting the loaded terms alcohol or drug "abuse," many public health professionals have adopted phrases such as "substance and alcohol type problems" or "harmful/problematic use" of drugs.
The Health Officers Council of British Columbia — in their 2005 policy discussion paper, A Public Health Approach to Drug Control in Canada — has adopted a public health model of psychoactive substance use that challenges the simplistic black-and-white construction of the binary (or complementary) antonyms "use" vs. "abuse". This model explicitly recognizes a spectrum of use, ranging from beneficial use to chronic dependence (see diagram to the right).

Medical definitions

In the modern medical profession, the two most used diagnostic tools in the world, the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the World Health Organization's International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), no longer recognize 'drug abuse' as a current medical diagnosis. Instead, DSM has adopted substance abuse[3] as a blanket term to include drug abuse and other things. ICD refrains from using either "substance abuse" or "drug abuse", instead using the term "harmful use" to cover physical or psychological harm to the user from use. Physical dependence, abuse of, and withdrawal from drugs and other miscellaneous substances is outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) ). Its section Substance dependence begins with:
"Substance dependence When an individual persists in use of alcohol or other drugs despite problems related to use of the substance, substance dependence may be diagnosed. Compulsive and repetitive use may result in tolerance to the effect of the drug and withdrawal symptoms when use is reduced or stopped. These, along with Substance Abuse are considered Substance Use Disorders...." [3]
However, other definitions differ; they may entail psychological or physical dependence,[3] and may focus on treatment and prevention in terms of the social consequences of substance uses.

 Drug misuse

Drug misuse is a term used commonly for prescription medications with clinical efficacy but abuse potential and known adverse effects linked to improper use, such as psychiatric medications with sedative, anxiolytic, analgesic, or stimulant properties. Prescription misuse has been variably and inconsistently defined based on drug prescription status, the uses that occur without a prescription, intentional use to achieve intoxicating effects, route of administration, co-ingestion with alcohol, and the presence or absence of abuse or dependence symptoms.[4][5] Tolerance relates to the pharmacological property of substances in which chronic use leads to a change in the central nervous system, meaning that more of the substance is needed in order to produce desired effects. Stopping or reducing the use of this substance would cause withdrawal symptoms to occur.[6]

As a value judgment

Philip Jenkins points out that there are two issues with the term "drug abuse". First, what constitutes a "drug" is debatable. For instance, GHB, a naturally occurring substance in the central nervous system is considered a drug, and is illegal in many countries, while nicotine is not officially considered a drug in most countries. Second, the word "abuse" implies a recognized standard of use for any substance. Drinking an occasional glass of wine is considered acceptable in many Western countries, while drinking several bottles is seen as an abuse. Strict temperance advocates, which may or may not be religiously motivated, would see drinking even one glass as an abuse, and some groups even condemn caffeine use in any quantity. Similarly, adopting the view that any (recreational) use of marijuana or amphetamines constitutes drug abuse implies that we have already decided that substance is harmful even in minute quantities.[7]

Signs and symptoms

Depending on the actual compound, drug abuse including alcohol may lead to health problems, social problems, morbidity, injuries, unprotected sex, violence, deaths, motor vehicle accidents, homicides, suicides, physical dependence or psychological addiction.[8]
There is a high rate of suicide in alcoholics and drug abusers. The reasons believed to cause the increased risk of suicide include the long-term abuse of alcohol and drugs causing physiological distortion of brain chemistry as well as the social isolation. Another factor is the acute intoxicating effects of the drugs may make suicide more likely to occur. Suicide is also very common in adolescent alcohol abusers, with 1 in 4 suicides in adolescents being related to alcohol abuse.[9] In the USA approximately 30 percent of suicides are related to alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse is also associated with increased risks of committing criminal offences including child abuse, domestic violence, rapes, burglaries and assaults.[10]
Drug abuse, including alcohol and prescription drugs can induce symptomatology which resembles mental illness. This can occur both in the intoxicated state and also during the withdrawal state. In some cases these substance induced psychiatric disorders can persist long after detoxification, such as prolonged psychosis or depression after amphetamine or cocaine abuse. A protracted withdrawal syndrome can also occur with symptoms persisting for months after cessation of use. Benzodiazepines are the most notable drug for inducing prolonged withdrawal effects with symptoms sometimes persisting for years after cessation of use. Abuse of hallucinogens can trigger delusional and other psychotic phenomena long after cessation of use and cannabis may trigger panic attacks during intoxication and with use it may cause a state similar to dysthymia[citation needed]. Severe anxiety and depression are commonly induced by sustained alcohol abuse which in most cases abates with prolonged abstinence. Even moderate alcohol sustained use may increase anxiety and depression levels in some individuals. In most cases these drug induced psychiatric disorders fade away with prolonged abstinence.[11]
Drug abuse makes central nervous system (CNS) effects, which produce changes in mood, levels of awareness or perceptions and sensations. Most of these drugs also alter systems other than the CNS. Some of these are often thought of as being abused. Some drugs appear to be more likely to lead to uncontrolled use than others.[12]
Traditionally, new pharmacotherapy's are quickly adopted in primary care settings, however; drugs for substance abuse treatment have faced many barriers. Naltrexone, a drug originally marketed under the name "ReVia," and now marketed in intramuscular formulation as "Vivitrol" or in oral formulation as a generic, is a medication approved for the treatment of alcohol dependence. This drug has reached very few patients. This may be due to a number of factors, including resistance by Addiction Medicine specialists and lack of resources.[13]
The ability to recognize the signs of drug use or the symptoms of drug use in family members by parents and spouses has been affected significantly by the emergence of home drug test technology which helps identify recent use of common street and prescription drugs with near lab quality accuracy.


1 in 5 teenagers report having abused a prescription medication and over 2500 teenagers a day experiment with prescription medications taken from the home. The Massachusetts legislature just enacted a law that requires all pharmacies located within the Commonwealth to display, and offer for sale, medical lock boxes for home use and to place those products within 50 feet of the pharmacy counter. Products such as the RxDrugSAFE, a fingerprint recognition home medical safe, combat unauthorized access to prescription medications at home, thereby preventing abuse. This new law is the first such law enacted within the United States.